Reviews of “Der Moloch”

My latest novel Der Moloch, published by Fabylon earlier this year, has received a number of favorable reviews by now. Frank W. Haubold came in an Amazon review to the conclusion that the novel can keep up with the more ambitious works of Anglo-American science fiction. Michael Schmidt called it in his blog one of the most outstanding, unusual and wicked German science fiction books of recent years. Another postive review was published in GEEK! magazine #43.


Haiku translation published

p.machinery, the small publishing house of my Nova co-editor Michael Haitel, has recently published Von Rhabarber und Feigen (Of Rhabarb and Figs), a collection of modern haikus by Peter Schnell in four languages, German, English, Spanish and Japanese. I was honored to contribute the English translations, an interesting challenge that required me to carefully select each word in order to meet the formal requirements of that constrained 17 syllables form of poerty.
