Works in progress

There have been no updates on my homepage for some months. In case that anybody has missed me, let me assure you that the reason was not a lack of interest in continuing this page nor an extended springtime lethargy. The reason is instead, I hope, a pleasant one for my readers. 2014 may well turn out, despite some health problems, to be the most prolific year in my career so far. No less than three new books are in the making, due to be published this or next year. Der Moloch, a novel length version of my award winning novella of the same title from 2007, that I write for Fabylon Verlag, has grown to about 250 manuscript pages and as for the finishing chapters the horizon is in sight. It’s the same with In situ, initially planed as a novella but now grown into an almost full-scale novel, to be published in my incredibly patient editor Harald Giersche’s small print press Begedia Verlag. I started with the book somewhat close to the end of the last ice age and Harald was so kind to stay with me through all obstacles and delays to finally see this baby in print, which has come close to realization now. There’s also an interested publisher for a collection of my literary essays about major short story writers in science fiction and beyond.

Interviewed by Ralf Schools

Blogger and space artist Ralf Schools recently interviewed me for his blog. This interview was, what I appreciate, not specifically about science fiction but more general about my history, background and practice as a writer and what I learned from writing for life. I tried my best, as I always do, to give some controversial answers. The interview has just been posted on Ralf’s blog and can be read here.