
Michael K. Iwoleit was born in Düsseldorf in 1962 and now lives in Wuppertal. He took his A-levels and completed an education as biological technical assistant in 1982. Afterwards he studied philosophy, sociology and German philology for several semesters and worked as a technical assistant at the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf. Since 1989 he is freelance writer, translator, critic, and editor mostly in the field of science fiction and phantastica. Starting in the mid-nineties, he also worked as a copywriter and translator for advertising and IT industry.

In the science fiction field he is best known for his novellas which have won the Deutsche Science Fiction Preis three times and the Kurd Laßwitz Preis two times. Together with Horst Pukallus he was awarded with the Kurd Laßwitz Preis 2000 for the translation of Iain Banks’ Feersum Endjinn. He published four novels and about 30 stories in anthologies and magazines, several of which have been translated into English, Italian, Croatian and Polish. He is co-founder of the German science fiction magazine Nova and co-founder and editor of the international science fiction magazine InterNova that today runs as a webzine. He has translated, among others. works by Cory Doctorow, Sean Williams, Chris Moriarty and David Wingrove.

One thought on “Biography

  1. […] idea of such a reading for non-GoH authors originated with German SF author and editor Michael Iwoleit and was developed by Kontakt programming as a way is to help Kontak members get acquainted with […]

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